I mentioned in this week’s studio newsletter that I realized I had stopped writing little personal blurbs that would kick off our weekly Pink Door Post, and that it was because life has been, well…..life-y.
So what has gotten so busy in my life that tasks like newsletter copy have been put on the back burner? Well…how much time do you have? 😅
We all lead such busy lives nowadays and I think that sometimes we don’t see the changes in our lives happening until after it’s happened.
One thing I have tried to focus on this past year is being a lot more present in my everyday life. Recognizing the things shifting around me, the energy in the room, the people I am making memories with, the daily habits and choices I am making and how it all impacts my life and everyone else’s around me.
So it was no surprise to me that a few months ago I could feel some big changes on the horizon. I didn’t know exactly what they would be, but I knew they were coming, whether I liked it or not.
We announced recently that I will no longer be photographing high school senior portraits after the end of this year, and that there have also been some team adjustments happening lately as well. I will come back another day to elaborate more on those things, but I will say that these changes are huge for our studio and we are all feeling it – both the good and the bad parts.
These are some of the growing pains that my business has gone through that have not been my favorite ones to accept. But they are necessary. They are necessary in order for me, my family, and my team to continue working towards our goals and to be living our most fulfilled lives. Which is ultimately the most important thing.
Some of the other changes are on a more personal note. My son‘s dad (whom I have the absolute best co-parenting relationship with) is in the Air Force and recently received orders to Oklahoma…and has to be there by August. If you are a parent in any capacity, military related or not, you realize the impact of that news just by reading it. That is a huge change for a child. It goes without saying that there have been many sleepless nights, tear-filled conversations, gut wrenching decisions, and soul-searching discoveries as of late.
To top it off, my “baby” just turned 12 yesterday! Some of you may know that I started my photography business when I was pregnant with Bentley. And may remember seeing him as a toddler, running around one of my older studios. Needless to say, this past preteen year has been the biggest change of all for the both of us. It’s fun and scary at the same time, and I’m holding on tight to this wild ride.
Lastly, I just want to say, because of my extremely talented and amazing team and the support of our beautiful clients, no matter what changes may come, Pink Door Photo Studio will continue to be an empowering space for women in our community, and I’m so grateful for that. ❤️